Ms. Nazish Ilyas
A year ago, one of my students asked me a question on the same day i.e 5th February, that

Why do we celebrate Kashmir day?

I replied,
"The purpose is for Pakistani citizens to take time out and show support for their fellow Muslims in Kashmir who are living across LOC in Indian territory. On this day we condemn Indian aggression on the held valley, its occupation, its tyrannical rule and atrocities over innocent Kashmiris".
After made him satisfy I asked that question to myself and wondered to realize that Kashmir day seems to be just like a holiday for us. Since my school time, no one has ever explained to me that the holiday was actually a day of protest.

I have never seen protesting people around me and not even talking about Kashmir and Kashmiris instead of that we are quite happy to get a day off, planing for outing, arranging get togathers etc. but thats all are not for protesting or to condemn Indian aggression in Kashmir.

No Protest, No Banners, No condemnation and even no solidarity.....

A year ago the question asked by my student still revolves in my mind but in another perspective as:

So why do we celebrate Kashmir day?