Today, when I was surfing the net, I saw a picture on facebook. That picture was posted by a Sindhi nationalist Page showing some Hajis wearing Ahraams are waving the flag of Azad Sindhu Desh at Makkah, Saudi Arabia.  I was shocked to see that photo because every Muslim knows that at the time of Hajj all the people around the world are not recognized by their ethnicity but only by their religion and that is Islam. All the Hajjis wear the same clothes to show the unity among Muslims.

I think, it is a shameful act done by some lunatic ethnic nationalists. Seculars and ethnic nationalists always accused religion that it creates division among humans but they forget that at the time of Hajj the religion i.e. Islam removes and overrides all the ethnic, man-made divisions. All the people from different part of the world walking side by side, wearing same clothes reciting the same religious prayers shows the great integrity among humans.
Few years back, I met a guy who is a pure Sindhi nationalist and a great supporter of Azad Sindhu Desh. During our conversation, I asked some questions to him and he could not give me a single reply with solid arguments. The questions were:

  • If Sindh becomes an independent state than how would Sindh prevent the threat of Kala Bagh Dam?
  • What changes the independent state of Sindh will bring in the lives of common people of Sindh? Is there any benefit for poor, enslaved Haaris (Farmers) by the feudalism?
  • Economic condition of Sindh except Karachi is not good enough. How will Independent Sindh survive?.
  • For the security and survival of Independent Sindh, you will have to be relying on India or you want to integrate with India?

Independence of Sindh is a worst case scenario for the Sindh itself. After the independence of Sindh there will be no moral or legal way to restrict the rest of the Pakistan to make Kala bagh dam and according to the people of Sindh, it is the matter of life and death to them.

I think, Independent Sindh will not bring any positive change to the lives of poor people of Sindh. They are being slaved by feudalism and they will be because after independence, the same feudal system will run the government. Oppression of feudalism will never end.

Sindh’s economic conditions and literacy rate is too low to survive as an independent state. On the other hand, feudal system will not allow the people to educate themselves. Without education, no country can excel.

For the security and survival, Independent Sindh will have to depend on Indian military, like Bangladesh. But in Bangladesh, feudal system was eliminated by the true leadership of Pakistan i.e. Liaqat Ali Khan after independence that is why Bangladesh successfully survived without further help of India as a separate state. But the scenario about Sindh is different. Feudal system has very long roots in the soil of Sindh.  There are two possible way for survival:

  1. Allow Indian military to come to Sindh’s soil and defend it against the rest of the Pakistan, or
  2. Integrate into India as another province.

In the above mentioned scenarios, there will be no independence for Sindh. It is far better to be integrated with a Muslim state than with a Non-Muslim state i.e. India.

Independence of Sindh is not the solution for the problems faced by the people. Sindh is not enslaved by Pakistan or Punjab etc. but it is enslaved by the feudal system. They have to eliminate the feudal system to free themselves by the feudal tyrants.
All the liberal and seculars in Pakistan are now really happy. Because the reason is, in Egypt General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi overthrown the President Morsi's fairly elected government by a illegal and illegitimated military coup. But wait a minute, liberals and seculars of Pakistan are the champions of Democracy, then why are they supporting the military intervention in a democratic process just after one year of general election. The reason is simple. The hatred against the Islam and Islamic way of life. President Morsi belongs to a political party know as FJP (Freedom and Justice Party) which is the political wing of Ikhwan-ul-Muslimoon or Muslim Brotherhood is an organization working for Islamization in Egypt and Turkey since 1920.

The so called world's largest democracy i.e America and Europe are now silent and no one condemned this military coup against democracy.
This ouster of President Morsi was a drama and the script was already written by the Military and Judiciary by support of US. In few hours after the coup, General Sisi appointed the Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Adly Mansour as the interim President of Egypt.

That was not the end, the interim government launched a crackdown against the Muslim Brotherhood leaders and arrested them. President Morsi and other FJP leaders were house arrested by the military. TV Channels and Newspapers support Morsi, FJP and Muslim Brotherhood were totally banned.

These so called liberals and democratic people always against the military intervention in Pakistan but supported and encouraged the General Sisi's military coup against an elected democratic government because of their hatred against Islam and their hearts and minds are mesmerized by the western life style.

This is not only happened in Egypt only. Few years back the same drama was played in Al jazair when in 1992, the political party Front Islamique du Salut that was a broad coalition of Islamist groups dominated the first of two rounds of legislative elections. In the fear of a Islamic democratic government in Al jazair, authorities canceled the election results and army backed by French agencies overtook the government.

 The Same happened in Palestine when Hamas won the general elections in February 2006 and Ismail Haniyeh was nominated as Prime Minister. As usual, US and Europe and Israel refused to recognize the Hamas backed Palestinian government and froze all the fundings. The reason behind this is the Ismail Haniyeh's clear views about Israel:
We will never recognize the usurper Zionist government and will continue our jihad-like movement until the liberation of Jerusalem.
After Yesser Arafat, Al-Fateh and Mahmud Abbas are just the puppets in the hand of Israel, US and European union. Mahmud Abbas's secular and liberal views made him a harmless person for west and that is why he is still the president of Palestinian Authority (PA), lifelong president like Hosni Mubarak and Bashar al-Assad.

Responses recieved from the Arab world are really interesting and I feel so sorry about the so called leaders of the Arab world. Saudi's congratulate the new interim government of Egypt after disposal of President Morsi. The reasons behind this are as describe by Madawi Al-Rasheed, a visiting professor at the Middle East Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
The Muslim Brotherhood is seen by the Saudis as an untrustworthy and ungrateful organization that is now too close to Saudi borders, which may allow it to not only spread its ideology among Saudis but also recruit them upon visits to Qatar, where a network of Muslim Brotherhood-friendly intellectual forums, media platforms and think tanks have been established.
Saudi Arabia prides itself on representing Sunni Islam against its alleged enemies, mainly other sects such as the Shiites. When the Brotherhood called for Islamic unity before it came to power in Egypt, thus softening the Sunni-Shiite divide, the Saudi regime felt undermined by such slogans. When Morsi visited Iran in 2012, Saudi Arabia feared that Morsi would make Egypt drift toward Iran.
Not only the democratic ideas of Muslim Brotherhood threatens the foundation of Saudi rule i.e Kingship. That is why, Saudis never authorized the Muslim Brotherhood to establish institutions on their soil. So the reason behind to endorsed the illegitimate act of General Sisi is to protect the Saudi kingship.

Some of the reasons behind the military coup against the fairly elected Egyptian government of President Mohamed Morsi are:

Pro American army officers were force to resign and then prosecuted.
A constitution based on Islamic ideology which was not acceptable by Military, and liberal-secular opposition.
Morsi's visit to Iran in 2012 for Shiite and Sunni Muslims unity.
Opening of the Rafah Crossing for residents of the Gaza Strip.
Statements against the use of force by using illegal weapons on the innocent Palestinian.
Independent foriegn policy.
Ban on Bars and Night clubs.
Strongly condemned the act of blasphemy i.e the movie contains the blasphemous ideas about Holy Prophet.

The Secular and Pro-Mubarak elements in the military, judiciary and media never recognized Morsi as the president. The campaign against Morsi was led by Mohamed ElBaradei, former Director General, IAEA and everyone knows he always works for western interest. As a Director General International Atomic Energy Agency, he always criticized the nuclear programs of Iraq, Iran and Pakistan, especially against Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan.

 Bashar al-Assad , lifelong president of Syria said

Whoever brings religion to use for political or factional interests will fall anywhere in the world.

 According to Wikipedia the reason behind the ouster of Morsi is:

Reasons for demanding Morsi's resignation include accusations that he was increasingly authoritarian and pushing through an Islamist agenda without regard to secular opponents.

Jeremy Bowen, of the BBC, tweeted that people had been discussing their chants - one of which appeared to be aimed at the Muslim Brotherhood:
Secular Egypt talking about the chants they love to hear at demos. One favourite is 'no more beards'.

Akram Ismail, who is an activist and a member of the Socialist Popular Alliance Party, argued the distinction between feloul and non-feloul did not matter, stating that:
The battle now is between the oppressive Islamist alliance and the ascending democratic force.

The above statements are enough to understand the main reason behind the ouster of Morsi. They were afraid of Islamic ideas of Freedom and Justice Party. Banning the bars, night clubs, nudity, and adultery and fornication are the act of oppression is the most stupid idea.

In Egypt, military and Judiciary are now ruling and someone should ask the president of the interim government and the Chief Justice that how it can be a legitimated act to overthrown a government elected by the democratic process. General Sisi ordered the new interim government to prepare a new constitution for the country but it is also a illegitimate act because constitution must be prepared by the elected Parliament not by some judges. Al-Azhar has lost its credibility too. It is about to begin an new era of tyranny in Egypt, a new military rule supported by pro-Mubarak judiciary.

Few years back, when I was a school student and a good listener of music, I was a big fan of guy named Shehzad Roy, a young and dynamic musician with great looks and voice. His songs were my favorite ones like "Dholna". After few years he became a big Pakistani Pop star. Shehzad is the guy who sung the Kalam-e-Iqbal "Khudi ka sirre nihan- La ilaha illalah" and after listening that song there is lot of respect for him in my heart and then he established an NGO for the betterment of education in Pakistan. It seems OK. Everyone appreciated him a lot but now in 2013 he come back with the new vision and agenda.

On March 2, 2013 I watched his program "Chal Parha" a documentary series about the Pakistani education and schooling system. In the previous episodes of the series, he analyzed and identified various points where our education system lacks, like financial problems, lack of proper funds, proper training of teachers and other things. It sounds good to me and I appreciated his efforts. but the last episode was about the curriculum.

As a teacher I know that our curriculum has not reviewed and redesigned time to time according to new trends. I always criticize it during my lectures in-front of my students and other meetings with other educationists and board officials.

In the above mentioned episode of Shehzad's documentary series he mentioned some points to be noted by the official to improve the curriculum. Some points are:

- Competitive publishing
- Accountability of review committee
- Adapting international books into regional languages according to our tradition
- Publishing of teaching guides of text books
- Eliminate exercises that encourage rote learning
- Curriculum should not be developed to provincial discretion entirely

Ok, all points are valid and acceptable but I am concern about the next point and that is:
Remove discriminatory contents (Based on Gender and Religion) and tradition of presenting the twisted history in our books should be end.

What does he mean by discriminatory contents based on gender and religion and twisted history? Simple answer, to secularize the education system of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, got it?

I watched the entire episode and Shehzad only spoke about the religious topics in text books. He mentioned chapters about our great heroes of our glorious past in our Urdu and English text books. Even he mentioned about the a chapter about Allama Iqbal and highlighted the paragraph about the views of Allama Iqbal about "Two Nation Theory" and declare it as "Hate Speech" against minorities.
He forgot that we, Muslims were the minority in united India and still Muslims are the oppressed minority there. The creation of Pakistan was necessary to maintain our dignity and religious identity and our new generations should be taught the Ideology and history about the creation of Pakistan (Importance of Two nation theory).

I could not find any chapter based on gender discrimination in our text books.

He asked about the subjects Urdu and Social Studies that why topics based on religion are included in them. He demanded to eliminate the chapters about the historical Muslim personalities and our war heroes. I don't know what is the matter with these type of people, why are they so allergic to Islam and Islamic history and the Ideology of Pakistan. The text books are the main source of building up the mind set of a child and a child should be taught about his history and religion and this is the universal rule in education. When I was a kid I learned about the Greek mythological characters "Atlas" and "Samson" in my English book published by Oxford press. On the same series of English books, I read about the stupid fairy tales like "Little Red riding hood", "Hansel and Gretal", Pied piper and so on.

Why should our children read about the stupid Greek mythology and nonsense fairy tales instead of our Islamic history?

The another concern of the Mr. Roy is that our books teaches about wars and war heroes a lot. In his little understanding of history, people like Haider Ali, Tipu sultan, Muhammad bin Qasim, Mehmood Ghaznavi, Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi and many others are the war lords and they have nothing to do with the peace, prosperity, harmony and progress and the chapters about them should be eliminated from the text books because these chapters are promoting violence.

Shehzad does not understand that history teaches us what happened in the "Past" and what is going to happened in the "Future".

Shehzad, go to America and remove all the material regarding the American revolution ,War of Independence and French revolution from the curriculum. Because Pakistan did not invade Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Vietnam, Korea and many more and killed hundreds and thousands of people all over the world.

Mr. Javed chaurdry said that we should teach our students that we wanted freedom and we achieved that goal but don't tell them why we want the freedom and making of Pakistan i.e Ideology of Pakistan. How stupid is this.

And about the twisted history. Shehzad claimed that twisted history is being taught by our text books. Who the hell is he to decide that the written history is twisted. People like him are twisting the history to achieve their agenda. They are demoting Muhammad bin Qasim and promoting Raja Dahir. These people are stupid enough to understand that we are Muslim today because of the Great Muhammad bin Qasim.

In April 23, 1999 a conference was held in Berlin, Germany. In this conference a deceleration was released and purpose of that was Global wholesome, Global unity and Global mutuality.

It was declared that we should concentrate on the primary and secondary education.

A system should be developed that should have the same principles and morality. For this purpose the NGOs should be brought forward that are based on the western donations. And now Pakistani media is also well funded to achieve that goal. The Agha Khan board was formed also for the same purpose.

It is all about to secularize the Pakistani in every aspect. Americans and Europeans are spending billions of dollars in the form of funds given to the NGOs, Schools and Electronic and Print media to wipe out the principles of religion from our lives and control our minds..

Shehzad should try to reveal the hidden secret of "Khudi".

خودی کا سر نہاں لا الہ الا اللہ
خودی ہے تیغ فساں لا الہ الا اللہ
Ms. Nazish Ilyas
A year ago, one of my students asked me a question on the same day i.e 5th February, that

Why do we celebrate Kashmir day?

I replied,
"The purpose is for Pakistani citizens to take time out and show support for their fellow Muslims in Kashmir who are living across LOC in Indian territory. On this day we condemn Indian aggression on the held valley, its occupation, its tyrannical rule and atrocities over innocent Kashmiris".
After made him satisfy I asked that question to myself and wondered to realize that Kashmir day seems to be just like a holiday for us. Since my school time, no one has ever explained to me that the holiday was actually a day of protest.

I have never seen protesting people around me and not even talking about Kashmir and Kashmiris instead of that we are quite happy to get a day off, planing for outing, arranging get togathers etc. but thats all are not for protesting or to condemn Indian aggression in Kashmir.

No Protest, No Banners, No condemnation and even no solidarity.....

A year ago the question asked by my student still revolves in my mind but in another perspective as:

So why do we celebrate Kashmir day?
On august 14, 2012 I logged on to the Facebook to check my status. I saw the post of Mr. Asfandyar Wali, leader of Awami National Party (ANP). He posted a picture depicting a sentence “This freedom is fake ”. the description of the picture was describing the true agenda of Awami National Party. Another picture posted on the same day showing a rally held by Baluch Nation Front in which participants holding a banner on which “Pakistan Mudabad” and “14 August Black day” was written.
Interestingly on the next day on 15 August, 2012 I saw another post from the above mention leader of ANP, a picture showing Asfandyar wali and Indian Prime minister Mr. Manmohan Singh. The description is rather interesting, it stated:
"Today we are miles apart but I wanna reach across the miles and Say I’m thinking of you in a very special way.HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to all my Indian friends & specially Indian PM Manmohan Singh & President Pranab Mukergee."
After watching all that stuff, I was worried a lot because Asfandyar wali is a leader of a political party that has the provincial government in KP province and It is in coalition in Federal government. On the other hand organizations like JSQM and JSMM in Sindh are also against the sovereignty of Pakistan but these parties are not the mainstream parties in Pakistani politics.
Anyone would amazed why is it so? The answer is simple and I can express it in only one word “Nationalism”. Nationalism is the poison which is the major cause of war and hatred among the humans all over the world. I am talking about the the Nationalism based on land, ethnicity, language, culture and so on. Most of the people argue with me after listening my views about nationalism that ideology of Pakistan is also based on the nationalism-the two nation theory and you always speaks about Pakistani nationalism, yes it is right, partially. Pakistan’s ideology is based on the two nation theory, but the separation of these two nations are not based on ethnicity, language, land but on the religion.

The key point of difference between the two nations is their religion, namely Islam and Hinduism. Pakistan came into being purely on the basis of Islam. Pakistan should be an Islamic welfare state. Creation of Pakistan was not for Sindis, Punjabis, Baluch and Pathans, but for Muslims only to secure their identity, dignity and pride. I always in favour of Pakistani nationalism because it is the only country in the world based on the religion, not on ethnicity.

When Nationalism became first place in your ideology, religion automatically goes at the second place. And that is the birth of secularism. Almost two years earlier, I watched a program on Geo tv, that was an interview of the known leader of Sindh taraqqi pasand party, Dr. Qadir Magsi, he told the anchor person of that program that firstly, I am Sindhi then Muslim . He forgot to mention that he is Pakistani too J. All the nationalist parties of Pakistan have the same agenda to secularize Pakistan. These “Roshan Khayal” liberals and seculars always give the reference of Quaid-e-Azam’s speech of 11 September and try to portray him- our founding father, as a secular.

Now there is an important question I have to raise if Pakistan has to be a secular state then why Muslim’s of Sub-continent demanded the separate homeland? We Muslims could live in the united states of India. Stupidity at its peak.

Mr. Jinnah was a secular minded person? Because he wore English dress and speaks English rather than Urdu and had no beard. Certainly, he is not becasue he clearly mentioned in his various speeches that Hindu and Muslims are two separate nations. Some of quotes from Quaid’s speeches are given below:
“There are two major nations: The Hindus and Muslims. Hundered million of Muslims cannot be catagorized as a minority. We want the division of India into Hindustan and Pakistan because that is the only practical solution. Hindu India and Muslim India must be seperated because the two nations are entirely distinct and different and in some matters antagonistic to each other. Let me tell you some of the differences. We differ in our history, culture, language, architecture, music, laws, jurisprudence, calendar and our entire social fabric and code of life. One India is impossible realization. It will inevitably mean that the Muslims will be transferred from the domination of British to the caste Hindu rule. A position that Muslims will never accept. Muslims desire freedom more than anyone else. Because love for freedom, fraternity and liberty is the lifeblood of their existence. But freedom must means freedom, both, from exploitation and hindu domination. Hundred million Muslims will never agree merely to a change of masters.”
“And we fought for Pakistan because there was danger of denial of these human rights in the sub-continent. We aspired for these great ideas because of centuries of dual domination by the foreign rulers and caste-ridden social system. This domination continued for over two hundred years, until we realized that it would be ultimately mean complete extinction of Mussalmans, individually as human beings and collectively as a nation. After all, the story of Pakistan and it’s struggle and achievements, is the very story of great human ideals, struggling to survive in the face of odds and difficulties. It was merely a government which came into existence. It means the birth of a great State and a great nation one supplementing the other and both existing for each other. You are voicing my sentiments and the sentiments of million of Mussalmans. When you say that Pakistan should be based on pure foundations of social justice and Islamic Socialism; not other isms. Pakistan Zindabad.”
(March 1948, Chittagong, East Pakistan)
“It is extremely difficult to appreciate why our Hindu friends fail to understand the real nature of Islam and Hinduism. They are not religious in the strict sense of the word, but are, in fact, different and distinct social orders; and it is only a dream that the Hindus and Muslims can ever evolve a common nationality. This misconception of one Indian Nation has troubles and will lead India to destruction if we fail to revise our notions in time. The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, literatures. They neither intermarry nor interdine together and, indeed, they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their aspect on life are different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Mussalmans derive their inspiration from different sources of history. They have different epics, different heroes, and different episodes. Very often the hero of one is a foe of the other and, likewise, their victories and defeats overlap. To yoke together two such nations under a single state, one as a numerical minority and the other as a majority, must lead to growing discontent and final destruction of any fabric that may be so built for the government of such a state.”
(Presidential Address by the Quaid-i-Azam, Lahore March 22-23, 1940)
I don’t have a beard and I also wear western clothes but I am not a secular minded person. I love Islam and Muslims. It is simply the lack of understanding that Mr. Jinnah was secular.

Muslim of India were the rulers of this region for over thousand years. We had a dignity which would suffer heavily in the united India. Today Muslim of Bharat are suffering badly. They treated like Hindu Dalits. There is no prominent representation of Muslims in all the Major political parties of India, although it is claimed that India is a secular state.

Two nation theory is not the theory proposed by the Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, but it was declared by the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) himself fourteen hundred years back. In the state of Madina, people from all the arab tribes had the common identity that they were Muslims and after such a long period of time, the history repeated itself and Pakistan came into being on the same principle. That is why I called Pakistan “The Madina-e- Saani”. Islam is the phenomenon that makes the human unite and nationalism is the lethal poison that kills the unity amongst the humans and divide them to small ethnic groups with no respect for others because their national interest is the main objective of their foreign policy at any cost, no matter hundred and thousand of humans die. We can see this with our own eyes in different parts of the world. World war I and II were not fought for the religious conflicts but everyone knows the conflicts were based on ethnic nationalism.

India’s main objective is to disintegrate Pakistan into smaller nationalist states like Baluchistan, Sindhu desh, Azad Khyber Pukhtunkhua. Not only India wants this but has the complete support by Israel and United States of America. People said it is conspiracy theory. It is not a ground reality but these people always speaks what their masters (Donors ) want. I am talking about the so called NGOs funded by the America and Europe and also India. I am talking about those journalist who sold their souls for dollars. I am talking about those politicians who want to disintegrate Pakistan and raise their hands for friendship to our enemies.

Today, Pakistan has once again become the target of Indian machinations and is being subjected to propaganda and intrigues, as New Delhi is exploiting the current political instability, economic meltdown and ethnic/social division among different segments of the Pakistani society. Thus, it is polluting the minds of Pakistani youth by claiming that their country’s salvation lies in reuniting with India and that the Two-Nation Theory became defunct after 1947. Pseudo attempts. like Aman ki Asha. are a case in point for discrediting it, which must be counteracted with logic.
What is Pakistan? Why is it important and why is it created? Many questions we, youth have to face everyday in our life. Many questions that our parents and elders did not give answers to us. This is worst years in history of Pakistan when our youth has already lost their faith but our so-called intellectuals who are using their total effort to demoralize the people, specially youth of Pakistan. According to these intellectuals and so-called patriots, Muslims had never contributed in any field of science and technology, we are less in moral values than west, Pakistan is the worst country in the world. Indians are our sincere friends, two nation theory was a stupid idea and it has lost its value and importance when East Pakistan became Bangladesh, partition of subcontinent was wrong and Pakistan and India should be rejoined to make a confederation, Jinnah was the agent of British monarchy and he had a vision of a secular Pakistan.

Ideology of Pakistan is totally based on the "Two Nation Theory" which shows the clear difference between Muslims and Non-Muslims people of Subcontinent. Muslims and Hindus are the two major nations based on their religion. They are different in their history, tradition, customs, rituals, festivals, food, dress, life style and specially their religion. That is why Pakistan must be created for Muslims to live their life in the way Islam taught them. It is only possible in the separate state. Muslims worship only one God, Allah but the Hindus worship countless gods and goddesses, and they also treated cows like their mother, worship snakes and stones, trees and many more things. Hindu religion is based the concept of polytheism and Islam is totally based on monotheism which is a complete opposite. Therefore it is not possible in any case that Muslim people could live in a Hindu majority and secular country and practice Islam in its true form.

 Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the great leader of Muslims of Indian sub continent. He wanted this Indo-Pak region free from the British monarchy and he was in favor of combine effort of Hindu and Muslims to liberate India. After he realize the fact that Hindus can never be faithful to Muslims and Muslims will never be free in the Hindu majority India, that is why he demanded the Pakistan and there is no difference of opinion about the creation of Pakistan, although some religious scholars were against this decision because they thought that case, the unity of Muslims of India will suffer, but the creation of Pakistan is a great secret, which will be revealed soon, إن شاء الله 

The Spiritual aspect of Pakistan
The Two Nation Theory was presented by Allama Muhammad Iqbal when he addressed in Alahabad, and then this theory became practical by the efforts and handwork of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Pakistan was not just a result of a political struggle but it has a strong spiritual aspect too. Lets explore the word Pakistan first. The word Pakistan is made up of two words "Pak" and "Istan". Pak means "Pure" and Istan means "Land" therefore Pakistan means "The Land of the Pure" or in Arabic it will be written as "Madina-e-Tayyaba". Pakistan and the State of Madina established by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) are based on the same ideology i.e "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah's prophet".Not only the name and ideology is same as Madina, there are other events similar too. The Migration (Hijra) took place from Makkah to Madina to established the state of Madina, in the same manner, Migration from Hindu Mijority states of india to pakistan tookplace in 1947 to established the state of Pakistan. Pakistan came into being on 14 August, 1947, 27 Ramadan, 1366 hijra on the day of Friday. If we observe the the day and date we can definitely identify the greatness of Pakistan and the secret behind the creation of Pakistan. Pakistan is the only country in the world which was established on the ideology of Islam, created on the 27th day of Ramadan, the most holy month of Islam calendar, and 27th of Ramadan is the day of completion of the final revelation of God i.e Al-Qur'an. and last but not the least, it was Friday the most holy day in the week. This is not just a country established by the political movement but in-fact it is gifted by the Almighty God and Allah will protect it against all enemies including foreign and domestic.

The Spiritual aspect of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah's Life

 I read an article about an interview of 96 years old Saint Chaudhry Fazal-e-Haq, a devotee of Quaid-e-Azam and former interior minister and IG Baluchistan, Sindh & Punjab, is great Ashiq-e-Rasool (S.A.W) and a very noble man. His articles published in Jang Newspaper for a long time. His interview was published in the renowned newspaper (Pakistan Observer) about the Quaid's dream about Pakistan when he was settled in England after leaving the India and started practice of law and left the politics. According to Chaudry Fazl-e-Haque, that dream was the turning point of Quiad's life and he came back to India in 1934 to lead the movement of Pakistan and shared his dream with Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani, a renowned religious scholar of that time. The Quaid-i-Azam asked Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani not to mention the dream to anyone during his (Quaid’s) life time.
Chaudhry Fazal-e-Haq
As against general impression that the Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah had returned to India from London in end 1934 on persuasion by prominent Muslim leaders, this interview opens the new door of the history to understand the real reason of the Quaid decision to end his self exile and return to India after he dreamt of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who asked him to go to India and lead the Muslims in their struggle for a separate homeland for the Muslims of South Asia.

 Chaudry Fazl-e-Haque as a great devotee of Quaid-i-Azam would visit him in New Delhi during 1940s when he was also there. The Quaid though living in Bombay visited the Indian Capital during assembly sessions, meetings with viceroy, party conferences and exchanges of views with Congress leaders. The Quaid was kind to him and met him briefly after his breakfast. It was there that he developed his relationship with Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani who also frequently visited the Quaid in the morning before Mr. Jinnah took up his day,s work.
Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani at the Funeral of Quaid-e-Azam
Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani quoted the Quaid-i-Azam as saying:
“One evening, I was strolling in the lawn of my house in London when I smelt a unique fragrance. First I thought it was temporary phenomenon but the fragrance continued to prevail in the air. I could not understand as to what was the source of that fragrance. I decided to go to sleep. I could not sleep for quite some time. During sleep I saw a holy personality in my dream. The holy personality addressed me: ‘I am Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). I order you to go to India and lead the Muslims to their destiny. After the dream I awoke and started preparation for my return journey to India." 
Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was westernized in appearence but in fact he was a true Muslim and had a deep love for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Islam and Muslims of South Asia. That was the reason why he had devoted his life and all to the cause of the Muslims. People who have studied various phases of the Pakistan Movement and political career of Mr. Jinnah or those who have had access to Quaid’s associates, are convinced that the Founder of Pakistan took guidance from the Holy Quran and life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
The testimony given by Chaudry Fazl-e-Haque clearly shows two facts: One that Quaid-i-Azam took up his mission after he was asked to return to India by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in dream. This also shows his devotion to the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Two: That Pakistan came into being with the blessing of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Written by:
Tahir A. Khan

Sometimes it happen that one word or one sentence “clicks” in the mind and lights up or brighten everything; things that are very confusing become clear in no time.

I do remember one such incidence. In early days of President Musharraf, when he had visited Turkey and praised Kamal Ata Turk, secularists started debates in Pakistan for different things like repealing the blasphemy law etc. They might be hoping that during that regime they might be able to bring about some change in Pakistan just like modern day Turkey.

One issue among those was that whether Pakistan should be an Islamic State or a Secular State. They used Quaid-e-Azam’s speech of 11th August 1947 to support their idea of making Pakistan a secular state.

In those days, I was discussing it with someone and I mentioned that people say that Quaid-e-Azam had said such things in his speech that show that he might be thinking of a secular state. He asked me just one question in reply and that question enlightened me and cleared up all the confusion.

The question was:
Was Quaid-e-Azam a prophet?

This question made it clear to me that we should take guidance from the Holy Prophet (p. b. u. h.) and see what his teachings are for a state. After that, I think, there is no room for further debate whether Quaid wanted a secular state or an Islamic state because we must do what the Prophet (p. b. u. h.) has asked us to do.

But I also think that the Quaid did not want a secular state (in the sense that the secular state does not take religious teachings in considerations for running its affairs) because at many other occasions he clearly said that we must take guidance from Islam. He was actually against a Theocratic state. To me, what he meant in his speech was that of tolerance and harmony within the state among different races, religions, and religious sects.

But even if Quaid did want to make a secular state then we still take guidance from the Holy Quran, which says:
O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result. (4:59)
Many people think that End times is the favorite subject only for the religious people, but in fact it is the favorite topic for Hollywood too. Today, most of the movies created in Hollywood are , in some extent, based on End of times. Let's explore some of the Hollywood block buster movies.


I saw the first movie that based on such idea about end of the human kind and end of the world was almost twenty years ago. Terminator 2-Judgment Day was the block buster movie, won many Oscars and other awards and done a huge business all over the world and Arnold Schwarzenegger became a most famous action hero. But wait a minute, what was the story of that movie? Some says it was just an action movie and nothing more, some say it was a SiFi thriller movie based on the time travel and Artificial Intelligence. But in-fact it was based on the religious idea of End times.
The name of the movie clearly shows the basic idea of that film i.e Judgment day (Yawm al-Qiyāmah). But the idea of End times was totally rationalized in that movie. The movies shows that the world will be destroyed by the nuclear war between the humans and the machines having the artificial intelligence. The role of Antichrist was depicted as the highly sophisticated and advanced robot called T-1000 and the role of the Saviour of human kind was also a robot. That role was performed by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

A scene from the movie Terminator 2-Judgment Day T-1000 model Terminator
In the movie, T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) sent back in time to protect a kid, that will be the leader of human race in the future, and T-1000 (Robert Patrick) sent back in time to kill that future leader i.e John Conner. In my analysis, the kid was depicted as Jesus, because in the first part of the film shows that the mother of John Conner was a single mother i.e Sarah Conner. The character of Sarah Conner was actually the depiction of the virgin Marry and she gave the birth to the future leader of the world. In Christan and Muslim eschatology, the future leader of the world will be Jesus. When I first saw that movie, I was very young and did not get the theme of that film and many people are still unable to realize this.

The Matrix

The other film I want to discuss here is an another mega hit movie "The Matrix" released almost a decade ago. Winner of the many Oscars and other awards, that film was also based on the events of End Times. The film makers merged the End time events with the modern day Information Technology and Computer technology. In that movie like Terminator, the world and human race is ruled by the machines having Artificial Intelligence. The Leader of the Machines (The Architect) created a dream world called "The Matrix" to deceive and control the slaved population of the humans. The Character of the Architect is actually the depiction of Antichrist.
The another lead character of that movie was Morpheus, That freed Neo or Thomas Anderson. The name Morpheus is actually the name of an ancient Greek god of dreams. There was another character named Oracle who prophesied the coming of a Saviour for human kind. The name Oracle is actually an ancient Greek or Roman deity that a priest or priestess would consult for advice on behalf of troubled or uncertain people. Name of the Morpheus's ship in the movie was also interesting, it was Nebuchadnezzar, the famous Biblical character, the king of Babylon who destroyed the the temple of Jerusalem.

The lead female character was Trinity who fall in love with Neo, the Lead character and the focus of the story of the movie. Every body knows trinity is the religious term used by Christians, and it is the base of their ideology. Neo was the one who prophesied by Oracle that he will become the savior of the human kind. The character of Neo is actually depicts the Jesus Christ, because according to Christianity, Jesus crucified and then resurrected and he will return and then remove the thread of Antichrist. In the same manner, in the movie, Neo died by the bullet of the Agent Smith and then resurrected again with the power and glory.

The last city of the humans in that movie was named "Zion". Zion is the promised land of Jews. That is why the founders of Israel are called Zionist. It is the Christian's belief that Jesus will return after the establishment of the Zion or the promised land.

The Lord of the Rings

The lord of the rings is the movie which is the mixture of End times events and European fairy tales or we can say that the End time events presented as a an interesting fairy tale.
This film is based on three parts. "The fellowship of the ring", "The two towers" and "Return of the King". In the first part the dark lord Sauron emerges with great power to conquer the "Middle Earth". The dark lord Sauron is actually the depiction of Antichrist and the Middle Earth is actually refer to Middle East because Armageddon will occur in middle east and Palestine is the center of all the End time events.

Some Lead characters in this movie like Gandalf the Grey and Aragorn are also the depiction of Biblical prophecies. In Bible prophecies about a man in End times, who fight for good and he will fight many wars and will gain the victory:
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Revelation 6:2
In the second part of the movie the charater of Gandalf the Grey changes to Gandalf the White and he rides the white horse and fights against Sauron forces. This is the depiction of Biblical "Man on a white horse". According to some Muslim researchers, this Biblical character is actually the "Imam Mahdi" who will lead an army and will fight many wars and will win them.
Gandalf-The White Depiction of Biblical character
The most interesting thing I saw in this movie is the "Eye of Sauron", at the top of a tower. As a Muslim, we know that Dajjal or Antichrist is one eyed. According to Hadith:
Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: There is never a prophet who has not warned the Ummah of that one-eyed liar; behold he is one-eyed and your Lord is not one-eyed.
Muslim :: Book 41 : Hadith 7007
The Eye of Sauron
And in the last part of this epic movie series i.e Return of the King, Aragorn becomes the king of the middle earth. "Return of the king" means "return of Jesus Christ" because Muslims and Christians are both believed that at End times Jesus will return and rule the world from Palestine. The character of Aragorn is actually the depiction of Jesus Christ.

These films are the most expensive and box office super hit movies made in Hollywood and watched all over the world without realizing that these movies are based on the End times events. Some films are based on Antichrist emergence like the famous movie "The Omen". There are many other movies based on the subject "End of the world" like Deep Impact, Armaggedon, 2012, End of Days and many more.
Invasion of Afghanistan

 After the 9/11 incident, Bush demanded to the Taliban government to destroy all bases of Al-Qaeda and handover Osama bin Laden. As I discussed earlier, there is no solid proof and evidence provided by the US government against bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Afghan Taliban government offered US officials to trial the accused Al Qaeda members in Afghan Court but refused by the Americans because it was decided to invade Afghanistan and 9/11 was just the false flag operation and an inside job to do it.
The Afghan village of Darya Khanah is bombed on October 27, 2001. [Source: Associated Press]
This invasion was also illegal in terms of the international laws coded in UN charter. According to UN Charter, disputes are to be brought to the UN Security Council, which alone may authorize the use of force. Without this authorization, any military activity against another country is illegal. According to article 51 of UN Charter:

"Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security."
(Article 51 - Chapter VII: Action with respect to threats to the peace, breaches, of the peace and Acts of Aggressions)

But the UN Security Council did not allowed the US-Lead military campaign against Afghanistan. Defenders of that invasion has a argument that Article 51 provides the right of self defense therefore American did not need the authorization of UNSC, but one thing I want ask is Self defense against whom? because Al Qaeda is not a nation, in fact they are Non-State Actors. All the alleged hijackers were not Afghans. Osama was not trialled and there was no legal accusation present against him. This war was not a self defense because Afghanistan did not attack US but American, in the name of self defense killed thousands of innocent Afghan men, women and children. This was is an Act of Aggression against Afghanistan and that was not a legitimate act.

Invasion of Iraq

On March 19, 2003 US with Allied forces attacked Iraq with no legal reason and logical explanation. Invading Iraq also had no legitimacy because there is no involvement of Saddam Hussein in 9/11 incident. Iraq never attacked American soil and there was no direct threat to American security. 9/11 alleged hijackers were not Iraqi's in fact most of them were Saudi Arabians as told by the CIA. So, there is no connection between Al Qaeda and Iraq or Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Then what is the reason behind the war, US Secretary of State Colin Powell explained the United Nations Security Council on 5 February 2003 in the following words:"We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction; he's determined to make more. Given Saddam Hussein's history of aggression... given what we know of his terrorist associations and given his determination to exact revenge on those who oppose him, should we take the risk that he will not some day use these weapons at a time and the place and in the manner of his choosing at a time when the world is in a much weaker position to respond? The United States will not and cannot run that risk to the American people. Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of weapons of mass destruction for a few more months or years is not an option, not in a post–September 11 world."

Wow, what a presentation it was, based totally on assumptions and accusation without no evidence and proof. A term used by Colin Powell "Weapons of mass destruction", have they found one? The answer is right here:

"In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion."
(NBC News, 25-4-2005)

After two years of killing of innocent men, women and children in Iraq, the CIA claimed that they'd found nothing. It was clearly mentioned in the IAEA report in 2003 presented to United Nations Security Council before the invasion of Iraq:

"There is no indication of resumed nuclear activities in those buildings that were identified through the use of satellite imagery as being reconstructed or newly erected since 1998, nor any indication of nuclear-related prohibited activities at any inspected sites."
"There is no indication that Iraq has attempted to import uranium since 1990."
"There is no indication that Iraq has attempted to import aluminium tubes for use in centrifuge enrichment."
"Although we are still reviewing issues related to magnets and magnet production, there is no indication to date that Iraq imported magnets for use in a centrifuge enrichment programme."
(Statement to the United Nations Security Council by IAEA Director General Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei-7 March 2003 | New York, USA)

The Weapons of Mass Destruction never found but what about the Iraqi people, who suffered badly. What about the mass killing done by the Americans and Allied forces in Iraq. According to Iraq Body Count, a group that relies on press reports, NGO-based reports and official figures to measure civilian casualties, approximately 7,500 civilians were killed during the invasion phase.

There were world wide series of Protests held in all the major cities of the world, including New York City-USA, Washington DC-USA, London-UK, Montreal-Canada and Rome-Italy. According to the French academic Dominique Reynié, between January 3 and April 12, 2003, 36 million people across the globe took part in almost 3,000 protests against the Iraq war. The biggest anti-war rally was held in Rome including three million people.
This was surely cannot justified by any reason, even American people who understand the truth are against this war. I am quoting an American pastor as concluding remarks:

"The Iraq war is an unjust war and an evil war. We did not have the right before God to destroy Saddam Hussein and kill his people just because we suspected he might eventually attack the U.S. The preemptive strike policy Bush has established in his foreign policy, as part of his war on terrorism, is both unholy and pagan. It is not new -- many pagan countries embrace it. It gives us the right to declare war on any nation or people simply because they may own weapons of mass destruction, and we suspect that nation or people may use those weapons to attack us. No aggression is necessary to declare war, only suspicion. This is not true self-defense. When we go to war under this policy we are the aggressor and murderers. Also, we must ask this question -- who made us the judge over other nations to decide which ruler needs to fall or who made us the policemen of the world? This is an extremely arrogant policy, which sets us up above other nations. The more we will attack other nations under this policy, the more the wrath of the world's countries will be toward us. Also, God will not be pleased. In the end it may lead to a huge war where many counties will band together to attack the United States of America."
(The Iraq War -- A Christian Perspective by Pastor Steve Brown, M. Div.)

This is not the end, war on terror is still going on. The recent example is Libya. The Americans are plaining to invade Iran and then ultimately Pakistan because both countries have the nuclear capability that is why these countries are posing threats to USA and according to American think tank, all the threats must be eliminated like Iraq. American are going to disintegrate Iraq into 3 smaller states. They also want to disintegrate Pakistan into different ethnic states like, Sindhudesh, Independent Baluchistan, and Independent Kashmir. That is why, they always support insurgents in Pakistan. It is time to think, realize the truth and wakeup. Pakistani people should understand what is going on in the world.

It was all started after the defeat of Soviet Union (USSR) in Afghanistan, which was also the end of the “Cold war” between to two powers of the world. Soviet Union disintegrated into many countries of Central Asia. Mujahideen of Afghanistan defeated Russian forces with the help of Pakistani government, Funds provided by the Arab world and intelligence and equipment provided by the US government and fighters from all over the Muslim world. Afghanistan would be a peaceful and progressive country after the defeat of Russians but there was a civil war breakout and a stable governing system never established since then. But some years of peace can be observed when Taliban ruled Afghanistan under the command of Mullah Omar.

The final troop withdrawal started on May 15, 1988, and ended on February 15, 1989 under the last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. After withdrawal of the soviets, US had achieved his goal to defeat Soviet Union, left behind the Afghanistan without any central government system, that is why civil war started between the war lords. At the time of great chaos, Mullah Omar declared war against the these filthy war lords. One by one they capture the cities and people welcomed them because they brought peace in Afghanistan. Drugs production and trafficking was almost nil.

Meanwhile, American shifted their focus on middle east to capture its oil resources and to control the Middle East politically to protect Israel. After US invasion on Iraq in 1990, the hatred began to rise in Muslims all over the world. Specially in Arabs. The Arab Mujahideen, who fought in Afghan war against USSR, in which the most distinguished is Osama bin Laden. When Saudi king Shah Fahad called Americans for help, that was Osama bin Ladin, who opposed this decision but his opposition was rejected by the Saudi officials. That was the birth of an organization commonly known as "Al Qaeda". In a 1997 CNN interview, bin Laden called the U.S. military presence an "occupation of the land of the holy places."

Taliban was limited to Afghanistan only, there aims and ambitions were to liberate their homeland from the bloody war lords. Like that, Al Qeada's main objective was to remove the US and allied troops out of the Middle East especially, Saudi Arabia. Because Muslim two most holiest places Makkah and Madina situated there.

In 2001, when Osama bin Laden was living a life of exile, incidence of 9/11 happened. Bin Laden initially denied involvement in the attacks. On September 16, 2001, bin Laden read a statement later broadcast by Qatar's Al Jazeera satellite channel denying responsibility for the attack.

"The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it."
"I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons."
"I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations."

CNN reported on September 16, 2001:

"Immediately after the attacks that demolished the World Trade Center's landmark twin towers and seriously damaged the Pentagon, officials of Afghanistan's ruling Taliban said they doubted bin Laden could have been involved in carrying out the actions.
The Taliban -- the fundamentalist Islamic militia that seized power in Afghanistan in 1996 -- denied his ties to terrorism and said they have taken away all his means of communication with the outside world."

According to Wikipedia the Federal Bureau of Investigation has stated that classified evidence linking al-Qaeda and bin Laden to the September 11 attacks is clear and irrefutable. The UK Government reached a similar conclusion regarding al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden's culpability for the September 11 attacks, although the government report notes that the evidence presented is not necessarily sufficient for a prosecutable case.

What was that classified evidence. Its still a mystery. No evidence provided to media and Afghan government but just a bunch of newspaper clippings as told by Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, Mullah Zaeef. The UK government report was based totally on assumptions, no solid evidence was provided against Osama bin Laden and Taliban.

 September 11 attacks were the gold mine for the Bush administration. Like his father, the Bush Sr. President Bush used this opportunity to started the series of wars to attain his targets all over the Muslim world. After attacking the Afghanistan and the US government announced that they recovered a video tape, which was famous as "Bin Laden Confession" tape. A poor resolution video showing a guy look like Bin Laden talking about the 9/11 attacks.
Bin Laden's old picture Vs Bin Laden confession tape. The difference is clear.
The translation of that tape was disputed as Wikipedia reported:

"In a videotape recovered by U.S. forces in November 2001 in Jalalabad, bin Laden was seen discussing the attack with Khaled al-Harbi in a way that indicates foreknowledge.The tape was broadcast on various news networks on December 13, 2001. The merits of this translation have been disputed. Arabist Dr. Abdel El M. Husseini stated: "This translation is very problematic. At the most important places where it is held to prove the guilt of bin Laden, it is not identical with the Arabic."

In my personal opinion, the tape was fake and morphed by CIA to justify the attack on Afghanistan without any clear evidence provided by US government. Another video was released in 2004 in which Osama bin Laden accepted that he did the 9/11, which was another CIA's super hit drama because this video was released when the presidential elections were going on in America. That tape changed the results in the favour of Bush and then he reelected for the next term.
Osama bin Laden delivering a message in October 2004 and Osama bin Laden as of September 7, 2007. Two different Osama bin Laden.
Ron Suskind, an American journalist, noted that the CIA analysis of the Add captionvideo led them to the consensus view that the tape was designed strategically to help President Bush win reelection in 2004. Deputy CIA director John E. McLaughlin noted at one meeting:

"Bin Laden certainly did a nice favor today for the President."

Suskind quoted Jami Miscik, CIA deputy associate director for intelligence, as saying:

"Certainly, he would want Bush to keep doing what he’s doing for a few more years."

 I think Osama was not stupid enough to release his Anti-American sentiments at the time of elections to qualify Bush for the second time to carry on his war on terror. It was just a CIA's drama supported by Mossad like they stage 9/11.
After reading all this you can clearly understand that 9/11 was an inside job to implement the New World Order. It was a new Pearl Harbor to brainwash American people that they are under attack by Muslims and they have successfully done it by killing 3000 innocent Americans, so sad but everything is fair in love and war and war is a great business, however it was just few thousand innocent lives, but don't worry it was just the collateral damage.