All the liberal and seculars in Pakistan are now really happy. Because the reason is, in Egypt General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi overthrown the President Morsi's fairly elected government by a illegal and illegitimated military coup. But wait a minute, liberals and seculars of Pakistan are the champions of Democracy, then why are they supporting the military intervention in a democratic process just after one year of general election. The reason is simple. The hatred against the Islam and Islamic way of life. President Morsi belongs to a political party know as FJP (Freedom and Justice Party) which is the political wing of Ikhwan-ul-Muslimoon or Muslim Brotherhood is an organization working for Islamization in Egypt and Turkey since 1920.

The so called world's largest democracy i.e America and Europe are now silent and no one condemned this military coup against democracy.
This ouster of President Morsi was a drama and the script was already written by the Military and Judiciary by support of US. In few hours after the coup, General Sisi appointed the Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Adly Mansour as the interim President of Egypt.

That was not the end, the interim government launched a crackdown against the Muslim Brotherhood leaders and arrested them. President Morsi and other FJP leaders were house arrested by the military. TV Channels and Newspapers support Morsi, FJP and Muslim Brotherhood were totally banned.

These so called liberals and democratic people always against the military intervention in Pakistan but supported and encouraged the General Sisi's military coup against an elected democratic government because of their hatred against Islam and their hearts and minds are mesmerized by the western life style.

This is not only happened in Egypt only. Few years back the same drama was played in Al jazair when in 1992, the political party Front Islamique du Salut that was a broad coalition of Islamist groups dominated the first of two rounds of legislative elections. In the fear of a Islamic democratic government in Al jazair, authorities canceled the election results and army backed by French agencies overtook the government.

 The Same happened in Palestine when Hamas won the general elections in February 2006 and Ismail Haniyeh was nominated as Prime Minister. As usual, US and Europe and Israel refused to recognize the Hamas backed Palestinian government and froze all the fundings. The reason behind this is the Ismail Haniyeh's clear views about Israel:
We will never recognize the usurper Zionist government and will continue our jihad-like movement until the liberation of Jerusalem.
After Yesser Arafat, Al-Fateh and Mahmud Abbas are just the puppets in the hand of Israel, US and European union. Mahmud Abbas's secular and liberal views made him a harmless person for west and that is why he is still the president of Palestinian Authority (PA), lifelong president like Hosni Mubarak and Bashar al-Assad.

Responses recieved from the Arab world are really interesting and I feel so sorry about the so called leaders of the Arab world. Saudi's congratulate the new interim government of Egypt after disposal of President Morsi. The reasons behind this are as describe by Madawi Al-Rasheed, a visiting professor at the Middle East Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
The Muslim Brotherhood is seen by the Saudis as an untrustworthy and ungrateful organization that is now too close to Saudi borders, which may allow it to not only spread its ideology among Saudis but also recruit them upon visits to Qatar, where a network of Muslim Brotherhood-friendly intellectual forums, media platforms and think tanks have been established.
Saudi Arabia prides itself on representing Sunni Islam against its alleged enemies, mainly other sects such as the Shiites. When the Brotherhood called for Islamic unity before it came to power in Egypt, thus softening the Sunni-Shiite divide, the Saudi regime felt undermined by such slogans. When Morsi visited Iran in 2012, Saudi Arabia feared that Morsi would make Egypt drift toward Iran.
Not only the democratic ideas of Muslim Brotherhood threatens the foundation of Saudi rule i.e Kingship. That is why, Saudis never authorized the Muslim Brotherhood to establish institutions on their soil. So the reason behind to endorsed the illegitimate act of General Sisi is to protect the Saudi kingship.

Some of the reasons behind the military coup against the fairly elected Egyptian government of President Mohamed Morsi are:

Pro American army officers were force to resign and then prosecuted.
A constitution based on Islamic ideology which was not acceptable by Military, and liberal-secular opposition.
Morsi's visit to Iran in 2012 for Shiite and Sunni Muslims unity.
Opening of the Rafah Crossing for residents of the Gaza Strip.
Statements against the use of force by using illegal weapons on the innocent Palestinian.
Independent foriegn policy.
Ban on Bars and Night clubs.
Strongly condemned the act of blasphemy i.e the movie contains the blasphemous ideas about Holy Prophet.

The Secular and Pro-Mubarak elements in the military, judiciary and media never recognized Morsi as the president. The campaign against Morsi was led by Mohamed ElBaradei, former Director General, IAEA and everyone knows he always works for western interest. As a Director General International Atomic Energy Agency, he always criticized the nuclear programs of Iraq, Iran and Pakistan, especially against Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan.

 Bashar al-Assad , lifelong president of Syria said

Whoever brings religion to use for political or factional interests will fall anywhere in the world.

 According to Wikipedia the reason behind the ouster of Morsi is:

Reasons for demanding Morsi's resignation include accusations that he was increasingly authoritarian and pushing through an Islamist agenda without regard to secular opponents.

Jeremy Bowen, of the BBC, tweeted that people had been discussing their chants - one of which appeared to be aimed at the Muslim Brotherhood:
Secular Egypt talking about the chants they love to hear at demos. One favourite is 'no more beards'.

Akram Ismail, who is an activist and a member of the Socialist Popular Alliance Party, argued the distinction between feloul and non-feloul did not matter, stating that:
The battle now is between the oppressive Islamist alliance and the ascending democratic force.

The above statements are enough to understand the main reason behind the ouster of Morsi. They were afraid of Islamic ideas of Freedom and Justice Party. Banning the bars, night clubs, nudity, and adultery and fornication are the act of oppression is the most stupid idea.

In Egypt, military and Judiciary are now ruling and someone should ask the president of the interim government and the Chief Justice that how it can be a legitimated act to overthrown a government elected by the democratic process. General Sisi ordered the new interim government to prepare a new constitution for the country but it is also a illegitimate act because constitution must be prepared by the elected Parliament not by some judges. Al-Azhar has lost its credibility too. It is about to begin an new era of tyranny in Egypt, a new military rule supported by pro-Mubarak judiciary.

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