What is Pakistan? Why is it important and why is it created? Many questions we, youth have to face everyday in our life. Many questions that our parents and elders did not give answers to us. This is worst years in history of Pakistan when our youth has already lost their faith but our so-called intellectuals who are using their total effort to demoralize the people, specially youth of Pakistan. According to these intellectuals and so-called patriots, Muslims had never contributed in any field of science and technology, we are less in moral values than west, Pakistan is the worst country in the world. Indians are our sincere friends, two nation theory was a stupid idea and it has lost its value and importance when East Pakistan became Bangladesh, partition of subcontinent was wrong and Pakistan and India should be rejoined to make a confederation, Jinnah was the agent of British monarchy and he had a vision of a secular Pakistan.

Ideology of Pakistan is totally based on the "Two Nation Theory" which shows the clear difference between Muslims and Non-Muslims people of Subcontinent. Muslims and Hindus are the two major nations based on their religion. They are different in their history, tradition, customs, rituals, festivals, food, dress, life style and specially their religion. That is why Pakistan must be created for Muslims to live their life in the way Islam taught them. It is only possible in the separate state. Muslims worship only one God, Allah but the Hindus worship countless gods and goddesses, and they also treated cows like their mother, worship snakes and stones, trees and many more things. Hindu religion is based the concept of polytheism and Islam is totally based on monotheism which is a complete opposite. Therefore it is not possible in any case that Muslim people could live in a Hindu majority and secular country and practice Islam in its true form.

 Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the great leader of Muslims of Indian sub continent. He wanted this Indo-Pak region free from the British monarchy and he was in favor of combine effort of Hindu and Muslims to liberate India. After he realize the fact that Hindus can never be faithful to Muslims and Muslims will never be free in the Hindu majority India, that is why he demanded the Pakistan and there is no difference of opinion about the creation of Pakistan, although some religious scholars were against this decision because they thought that case, the unity of Muslims of India will suffer, but the creation of Pakistan is a great secret, which will be revealed soon, إن شاء الله 

The Spiritual aspect of Pakistan
The Two Nation Theory was presented by Allama Muhammad Iqbal when he addressed in Alahabad, and then this theory became practical by the efforts and handwork of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Pakistan was not just a result of a political struggle but it has a strong spiritual aspect too. Lets explore the word Pakistan first. The word Pakistan is made up of two words "Pak" and "Istan". Pak means "Pure" and Istan means "Land" therefore Pakistan means "The Land of the Pure" or in Arabic it will be written as "Madina-e-Tayyaba". Pakistan and the State of Madina established by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) are based on the same ideology i.e "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah's prophet".Not only the name and ideology is same as Madina, there are other events similar too. The Migration (Hijra) took place from Makkah to Madina to established the state of Madina, in the same manner, Migration from Hindu Mijority states of india to pakistan tookplace in 1947 to established the state of Pakistan. Pakistan came into being on 14 August, 1947, 27 Ramadan, 1366 hijra on the day of Friday. If we observe the the day and date we can definitely identify the greatness of Pakistan and the secret behind the creation of Pakistan. Pakistan is the only country in the world which was established on the ideology of Islam, created on the 27th day of Ramadan, the most holy month of Islam calendar, and 27th of Ramadan is the day of completion of the final revelation of God i.e Al-Qur'an. and last but not the least, it was Friday the most holy day in the week. This is not just a country established by the political movement but in-fact it is gifted by the Almighty God and Allah will protect it against all enemies including foreign and domestic.

The Spiritual aspect of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah's Life

 I read an article about an interview of 96 years old Saint Chaudhry Fazal-e-Haq, a devotee of Quaid-e-Azam and former interior minister and IG Baluchistan, Sindh & Punjab, is great Ashiq-e-Rasool (S.A.W) and a very noble man. His articles published in Jang Newspaper for a long time. His interview was published in the renowned newspaper (Pakistan Observer) about the Quaid's dream about Pakistan when he was settled in England after leaving the India and started practice of law and left the politics. According to Chaudry Fazl-e-Haque, that dream was the turning point of Quiad's life and he came back to India in 1934 to lead the movement of Pakistan and shared his dream with Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani, a renowned religious scholar of that time. The Quaid-i-Azam asked Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani not to mention the dream to anyone during his (Quaid’s) life time.
Chaudhry Fazal-e-Haq
As against general impression that the Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah had returned to India from London in end 1934 on persuasion by prominent Muslim leaders, this interview opens the new door of the history to understand the real reason of the Quaid decision to end his self exile and return to India after he dreamt of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who asked him to go to India and lead the Muslims in their struggle for a separate homeland for the Muslims of South Asia.

 Chaudry Fazl-e-Haque as a great devotee of Quaid-i-Azam would visit him in New Delhi during 1940s when he was also there. The Quaid though living in Bombay visited the Indian Capital during assembly sessions, meetings with viceroy, party conferences and exchanges of views with Congress leaders. The Quaid was kind to him and met him briefly after his breakfast. It was there that he developed his relationship with Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani who also frequently visited the Quaid in the morning before Mr. Jinnah took up his day,s work.
Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani at the Funeral of Quaid-e-Azam
Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani quoted the Quaid-i-Azam as saying:
“One evening, I was strolling in the lawn of my house in London when I smelt a unique fragrance. First I thought it was temporary phenomenon but the fragrance continued to prevail in the air. I could not understand as to what was the source of that fragrance. I decided to go to sleep. I could not sleep for quite some time. During sleep I saw a holy personality in my dream. The holy personality addressed me: ‘I am Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). I order you to go to India and lead the Muslims to their destiny. After the dream I awoke and started preparation for my return journey to India." 
Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was westernized in appearence but in fact he was a true Muslim and had a deep love for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Islam and Muslims of South Asia. That was the reason why he had devoted his life and all to the cause of the Muslims. People who have studied various phases of the Pakistan Movement and political career of Mr. Jinnah or those who have had access to Quaid’s associates, are convinced that the Founder of Pakistan took guidance from the Holy Quran and life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
The testimony given by Chaudry Fazl-e-Haque clearly shows two facts: One that Quaid-i-Azam took up his mission after he was asked to return to India by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in dream. This also shows his devotion to the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Two: That Pakistan came into being with the blessing of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

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