Many people think that End times is the favorite subject only for the religious people, but in fact it is the favorite topic for Hollywood too. Today, most of the movies created in Hollywood are , in some extent, based on End of times. Let's explore some of the Hollywood block buster movies.


I saw the first movie that based on such idea about end of the human kind and end of the world was almost twenty years ago. Terminator 2-Judgment Day was the block buster movie, won many Oscars and other awards and done a huge business all over the world and Arnold Schwarzenegger became a most famous action hero. But wait a minute, what was the story of that movie? Some says it was just an action movie and nothing more, some say it was a SiFi thriller movie based on the time travel and Artificial Intelligence. But in-fact it was based on the religious idea of End times.
The name of the movie clearly shows the basic idea of that film i.e Judgment day (Yawm al-Qiyāmah). But the idea of End times was totally rationalized in that movie. The movies shows that the world will be destroyed by the nuclear war between the humans and the machines having the artificial intelligence. The role of Antichrist was depicted as the highly sophisticated and advanced robot called T-1000 and the role of the Saviour of human kind was also a robot. That role was performed by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

A scene from the movie Terminator 2-Judgment Day T-1000 model Terminator
In the movie, T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) sent back in time to protect a kid, that will be the leader of human race in the future, and T-1000 (Robert Patrick) sent back in time to kill that future leader i.e John Conner. In my analysis, the kid was depicted as Jesus, because in the first part of the film shows that the mother of John Conner was a single mother i.e Sarah Conner. The character of Sarah Conner was actually the depiction of the virgin Marry and she gave the birth to the future leader of the world. In Christan and Muslim eschatology, the future leader of the world will be Jesus. When I first saw that movie, I was very young and did not get the theme of that film and many people are still unable to realize this.

The Matrix

The other film I want to discuss here is an another mega hit movie "The Matrix" released almost a decade ago. Winner of the many Oscars and other awards, that film was also based on the events of End Times. The film makers merged the End time events with the modern day Information Technology and Computer technology. In that movie like Terminator, the world and human race is ruled by the machines having Artificial Intelligence. The Leader of the Machines (The Architect) created a dream world called "The Matrix" to deceive and control the slaved population of the humans. The Character of the Architect is actually the depiction of Antichrist.
The another lead character of that movie was Morpheus, That freed Neo or Thomas Anderson. The name Morpheus is actually the name of an ancient Greek god of dreams. There was another character named Oracle who prophesied the coming of a Saviour for human kind. The name Oracle is actually an ancient Greek or Roman deity that a priest or priestess would consult for advice on behalf of troubled or uncertain people. Name of the Morpheus's ship in the movie was also interesting, it was Nebuchadnezzar, the famous Biblical character, the king of Babylon who destroyed the the temple of Jerusalem.

The lead female character was Trinity who fall in love with Neo, the Lead character and the focus of the story of the movie. Every body knows trinity is the religious term used by Christians, and it is the base of their ideology. Neo was the one who prophesied by Oracle that he will become the savior of the human kind. The character of Neo is actually depicts the Jesus Christ, because according to Christianity, Jesus crucified and then resurrected and he will return and then remove the thread of Antichrist. In the same manner, in the movie, Neo died by the bullet of the Agent Smith and then resurrected again with the power and glory.

The last city of the humans in that movie was named "Zion". Zion is the promised land of Jews. That is why the founders of Israel are called Zionist. It is the Christian's belief that Jesus will return after the establishment of the Zion or the promised land.

The Lord of the Rings

The lord of the rings is the movie which is the mixture of End times events and European fairy tales or we can say that the End time events presented as a an interesting fairy tale.
This film is based on three parts. "The fellowship of the ring", "The two towers" and "Return of the King". In the first part the dark lord Sauron emerges with great power to conquer the "Middle Earth". The dark lord Sauron is actually the depiction of Antichrist and the Middle Earth is actually refer to Middle East because Armageddon will occur in middle east and Palestine is the center of all the End time events.

Some Lead characters in this movie like Gandalf the Grey and Aragorn are also the depiction of Biblical prophecies. In Bible prophecies about a man in End times, who fight for good and he will fight many wars and will gain the victory:
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Revelation 6:2
In the second part of the movie the charater of Gandalf the Grey changes to Gandalf the White and he rides the white horse and fights against Sauron forces. This is the depiction of Biblical "Man on a white horse". According to some Muslim researchers, this Biblical character is actually the "Imam Mahdi" who will lead an army and will fight many wars and will win them.
Gandalf-The White Depiction of Biblical character
The most interesting thing I saw in this movie is the "Eye of Sauron", at the top of a tower. As a Muslim, we know that Dajjal or Antichrist is one eyed. According to Hadith:
Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: There is never a prophet who has not warned the Ummah of that one-eyed liar; behold he is one-eyed and your Lord is not one-eyed.
Muslim :: Book 41 : Hadith 7007
The Eye of Sauron
And in the last part of this epic movie series i.e Return of the King, Aragorn becomes the king of the middle earth. "Return of the king" means "return of Jesus Christ" because Muslims and Christians are both believed that at End times Jesus will return and rule the world from Palestine. The character of Aragorn is actually the depiction of Jesus Christ.

These films are the most expensive and box office super hit movies made in Hollywood and watched all over the world without realizing that these movies are based on the End times events. Some films are based on Antichrist emergence like the famous movie "The Omen". There are many other movies based on the subject "End of the world" like Deep Impact, Armaggedon, 2012, End of Days and many more.

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