As I mentioned in my previous article, Masih ad-Dajjal or Antichrist will raise at the time of great tribulation and afflictions, the signs described in the bible and Hadith are depicting the worst ever era of human race. I will discuss all the sign of his coming one by one on the current world scenario. Before the coming of Dajjal, there will be a system, based on devilish ideas and life style will flourish all over the world. That system will provide the ground to Antichrist to sustain and raised as a world leader.

The sign, which is very common all over the world is huge rise in Adultery, fornication and Homosexuality. We are living in the worst era of human race because the sins like fornication and Homosexuality never committed on this vast scale.

The New York Times reported:

Out-of-Wedlock Birthrates Are Soaring, U.S. Reports
WASHINGTON — Unmarried mothers gave birth to 4 out of every 10 babies born in the United States in 2007, a share that is increasing rapidly both here and abroad, according to government figures released Wednesday.
Much of the increase in unmarried births has occurred among parents who are living together but are not married, cohabitation arrangements that tend to be less stable than marriages, studies show.
Out-of-wedlock births are also rising in much of the industrialized world: in Iceland, 66 percent of children are born to unmarried mothers; in Sweden, the share is 55 percent.
(New York Times - 13 May, 2009)

And, The Telegraph reported about UK:

Almost half of babies are now born outside wedlock, official figures show.
The demise of the traditional family set-up is continuing despite growing evidence that children suffer when they are not raised by a married mother and father.

Data published by the Office for National Statistics show that in 2007, 44.4 per cent of live births were outside marriage.

The proportion is the highest on record, up from 43.7 per cent the previous year, and has risen from just 9 per cent in 1976, when illegitimacy was taboo.

It is set to rise still further as early figures for 2008 show a record 93,000 babies were born to unmarried women the third quarter of the year.

Among British-born mothers the proportion of babies born out of wedlock is likely to be above the landmark 50 per cent already, as immigrants are more likely to have children within marriage.
The marriage rate in England and Wales is now the lowest since it was first calculated in 1862, as the population increases but the number of people getting married falls.
(The Telegraph - 27 March, 2009)

And also, CNN reported:

Out-of-wedlock births hit record high
Nearly 40 percent of babies born in the United States in 2007 were delivered by unwed mothers, according to data released last month by the National Center for Health Statistics. The 1.7 million out-of-wedlock births, of 4.3 million total births, marked a more than 25 percent jump from five years before.

The above reports shows that nearly half of the population of US and UK is consist of illegitimate children.
 This is an enormous growth of fornication and Adultery in Western culture. This is also affects the social structure of the society and the illegitimate children have to raise without their fathers and in some cases their mothers also, in orphanages. The following graph shows the illegitimate birth rates in some countries. These statistics are really shocking.
The above statistics shows only the the births without wedlock, but it doesn't include all the couples who are living together without wedlock or Cohabitation. The US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development reports:

"Cohabitation, once rare, is now the norm: The researchers found that more than half (54 percent) of all first marriages between 1990 and 1994 began with unmarried cohabitation. They estimate that a majority of young men and women of marriageable age today will spend some time in a cohabiting relationship. ... Cohabiting relationships are less stable than marriages and that instability is increasing, the study found."

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website reports:

It’s no secret that many couples are cohabiting, that is, living together in a sexual relationship without marriage. Currently, 60% of all marriages are preceded by cohabitation, but fewer than half of cohabiting unions end in marriage.

As of 2005, 4.85 million unmarried couples were living together, and as of 2002, about half of all women aged 15 to 44 had lived unmarried with a partner. Seven states still have anti-cohabitation laws on the books, but they are almost never enforced and are now believed to be unconstitutional since the legal decision Lawrence v. Texas in 2003.

Above, I discussed about the Cohabitation, in which two people live together with emotional attachment, give birth to their children and share money, home etc but what about the casual sex or one time sex. Casual sex is common now a days in America and Europe specially in teenagers because they want to explore their sexuality and to satisfy their sexual desires and don't want to extend their relationship to cohabitation. Now it is rapidly spreading in Eastern part of the world also.


Homosexuality is prohibited in all the major religions of the world, because it is unnatural, unethical and cannot be justified by science too. But today it is accepted that a man can lie with man and a woman can lie with a woman. But the countries where religion is still alive and practiced is still considered as a great sin and taboo. The below mentioned Hadith clearly stated that gay and lesbian relationship is prohibited and how to avoid to develop such feelings.

Narrated AbuSa'id al-Khudri:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: A man should not look at the private parts of another man, and a woman should not look at the private parts of another woman. A man should not lie with another man without wearing lower garment under one cover; and a woman should not be lie with another woman without wearing lower garment under one cover.
Dawud :: Book 31 : Hadith 4007

The Catholic Church teaches that such acts are always violations of divine and natural law. The rejection of homosexual behavior that is found in the Old Testament is well known. In Genesis 19, two angels in disguise visit the city of Sodom and are offered hospitality and shelter by Lot. During the night, the men of Sodom demand that Lot hand over his guests for homosexual intercourse. Lot refuses, and the angels blind the men of Sodom. Lot and his household escape, and the town is destroyed by fire.

 But in the western liberal and secular society, legitimacy of homosexuality was approved by different European nations like Poland in 1923, Denmark in 1933, Sweden in 1944 and UK in 1967. Indian High court decriminalize the homosexuality in 2009. Time Magazine's website reported:

India’s Historic Ruling on Gay Rights With one sweeping judgment Thursday, the Indian High Court decriminalized homosexuality, shook off a stubborn piece of colonial baggage and may have added momentum to a broader regional movement for gay rights. “This is a huge step forward,” says Anjali Gopalan, director of the Naz Foundation India Trust, an advocacy group based in New Delhi that successfully brought a public interest petition to overturn India’s anti-sodomy law, Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code. “We can now take the next step forward for the community in securing our rights.”

Prior to 1962, the U.S. military, and all of the states and territories had maintained "sodomy" laws on their books, some dating back more than a century. Some were worded so generally that they would even criminalize consensual oral sex in private between a married couple. The penalties for violating sodomy laws often called a "crime against nature" were often severe. In 1961, Illinois "adopted the American Law Institute's Model Penal Code, which decriminalized adult, consensual, private, sexual conduct. They were the first U.S. jurisdiction to repeal its sodomy law.

During the 1970s, laws were repealed in additional 18 states and two territories: American Samoa, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Guam, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Maine, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington state, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Alaska, Nevada, North Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands followed suit during the 1980s. Three more jurisdictions, the District of Columbia, Nevada, and Rhodes Island did so during the 1990s. Arizona repealed its law in 2001. Some states still criminalize the homosexuality but these laws remains on books only. No implementation of these sodomy laws observed now a days.

 Homosexuality is a psychological disorder and unnatural behavior but in 1973 the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This action gave the scientific approval to the Gay and Lesbian life style. Western people have also accepted the homosexual life style and started to consider as a normal life style. According to Wikipedia:

Societal acceptance of non-heterosexual orientations such as homosexuality is lowest in Asian and African countries, and is highest in Europe, Australia, and the Americas. Western society has become increasingly accepting of homosexuality over the past few decades.

 It is not ends here, Since 2001, eleven countries (Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Sweden) and some sub-national jurisdictions (parts of Mexico and the United States) have begun to allow same-sex couples to marry.
Prostitution and Pornography

Prostitution and Pornography is legal almost every corner of the world in different ways. Before the rise of the internet is very difficult to distribute and exhibit such kind of obscene material but by the rise of Internet, pornography and prostitution broke all the barriers and limitations. Now everyone can access sexually explicit materials like, porn films or pictures, erotic stories and books, comics, animations, games etc within no time by clicking some buttons on keyboard.

 The statistics regarding Prostitution and Pornography are frightful. Every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography. Every second 28,258 Internet users are viewing pornography. In that same second 372 Internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines. Every 39 minutes a new pornographic video is being created in the U.S. Estimates place the annual revenue generated from the porn industry to be over $1 billion on Internet only. Some statistics are given below to blow you mind.
The obscene material available on the Internet is not only promoting nudity, sex and homosexuality but also promoting the brutal ideas of child abuse and rape. This is not ends here, some movies shows sex with the dead people which is called Necrophilia and Sex with closed relatives called Incest.

Prostitution never legalized in the world in entire human history but now, almost half of the world legalized it in different forms. Estimates place the annual revenue generated from the global prostitution industry to be over $180 billion. The picture shows the current status of legalization of prostitution in the world.

After reading the shocking statistics reader should understand the current situation of the world. It is almost clear the Antichrist or Dajjal will soon emerge because the stage has already been set in the form of the recent economic and social system, for his arrival.

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