It was all started after the defeat of Soviet Union (USSR) in Afghanistan, which was also the end of the “Cold war” between to two powers of the world. Soviet Union disintegrated into many countries of Central Asia. Mujahideen of Afghanistan defeated Russian forces with the help of Pakistani government, Funds provided by the Arab world and intelligence and equipment provided by the US government and fighters from all over the Muslim world. Afghanistan would be a peaceful and progressive country after the defeat of Russians but there was a civil war breakout and a stable governing system never established since then. But some years of peace can be observed when Taliban ruled Afghanistan under the command of Mullah Omar.

The final troop withdrawal started on May 15, 1988, and ended on February 15, 1989 under the last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. After withdrawal of the soviets, US had achieved his goal to defeat Soviet Union, left behind the Afghanistan without any central government system, that is why civil war started between the war lords. At the time of great chaos, Mullah Omar declared war against the these filthy war lords. One by one they capture the cities and people welcomed them because they brought peace in Afghanistan. Drugs production and trafficking was almost nil.

Meanwhile, American shifted their focus on middle east to capture its oil resources and to control the Middle East politically to protect Israel. After US invasion on Iraq in 1990, the hatred began to rise in Muslims all over the world. Specially in Arabs. The Arab Mujahideen, who fought in Afghan war against USSR, in which the most distinguished is Osama bin Laden. When Saudi king Shah Fahad called Americans for help, that was Osama bin Ladin, who opposed this decision but his opposition was rejected by the Saudi officials. That was the birth of an organization commonly known as "Al Qaeda". In a 1997 CNN interview, bin Laden called the U.S. military presence an "occupation of the land of the holy places."

Taliban was limited to Afghanistan only, there aims and ambitions were to liberate their homeland from the bloody war lords. Like that, Al Qeada's main objective was to remove the US and allied troops out of the Middle East especially, Saudi Arabia. Because Muslim two most holiest places Makkah and Madina situated there.

In 2001, when Osama bin Laden was living a life of exile, incidence of 9/11 happened. Bin Laden initially denied involvement in the attacks. On September 16, 2001, bin Laden read a statement later broadcast by Qatar's Al Jazeera satellite channel denying responsibility for the attack.

"The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it."
"I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons."
"I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations."

CNN reported on September 16, 2001:

"Immediately after the attacks that demolished the World Trade Center's landmark twin towers and seriously damaged the Pentagon, officials of Afghanistan's ruling Taliban said they doubted bin Laden could have been involved in carrying out the actions.
The Taliban -- the fundamentalist Islamic militia that seized power in Afghanistan in 1996 -- denied his ties to terrorism and said they have taken away all his means of communication with the outside world."

According to Wikipedia the Federal Bureau of Investigation has stated that classified evidence linking al-Qaeda and bin Laden to the September 11 attacks is clear and irrefutable. The UK Government reached a similar conclusion regarding al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden's culpability for the September 11 attacks, although the government report notes that the evidence presented is not necessarily sufficient for a prosecutable case.

What was that classified evidence. Its still a mystery. No evidence provided to media and Afghan government but just a bunch of newspaper clippings as told by Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, Mullah Zaeef. The UK government report was based totally on assumptions, no solid evidence was provided against Osama bin Laden and Taliban.

 September 11 attacks were the gold mine for the Bush administration. Like his father, the Bush Sr. President Bush used this opportunity to started the series of wars to attain his targets all over the Muslim world. After attacking the Afghanistan and the US government announced that they recovered a video tape, which was famous as "Bin Laden Confession" tape. A poor resolution video showing a guy look like Bin Laden talking about the 9/11 attacks.
Bin Laden's old picture Vs Bin Laden confession tape. The difference is clear.
The translation of that tape was disputed as Wikipedia reported:

"In a videotape recovered by U.S. forces in November 2001 in Jalalabad, bin Laden was seen discussing the attack with Khaled al-Harbi in a way that indicates foreknowledge.The tape was broadcast on various news networks on December 13, 2001. The merits of this translation have been disputed. Arabist Dr. Abdel El M. Husseini stated: "This translation is very problematic. At the most important places where it is held to prove the guilt of bin Laden, it is not identical with the Arabic."

In my personal opinion, the tape was fake and morphed by CIA to justify the attack on Afghanistan without any clear evidence provided by US government. Another video was released in 2004 in which Osama bin Laden accepted that he did the 9/11, which was another CIA's super hit drama because this video was released when the presidential elections were going on in America. That tape changed the results in the favour of Bush and then he reelected for the next term.
Osama bin Laden delivering a message in October 2004 and Osama bin Laden as of September 7, 2007. Two different Osama bin Laden.
Ron Suskind, an American journalist, noted that the CIA analysis of the Add captionvideo led them to the consensus view that the tape was designed strategically to help President Bush win reelection in 2004. Deputy CIA director John E. McLaughlin noted at one meeting:

"Bin Laden certainly did a nice favor today for the President."

Suskind quoted Jami Miscik, CIA deputy associate director for intelligence, as saying:

"Certainly, he would want Bush to keep doing what he’s doing for a few more years."

 I think Osama was not stupid enough to release his Anti-American sentiments at the time of elections to qualify Bush for the second time to carry on his war on terror. It was just a CIA's drama supported by Mossad like they stage 9/11.
After reading all this you can clearly understand that 9/11 was an inside job to implement the New World Order. It was a new Pearl Harbor to brainwash American people that they are under attack by Muslims and they have successfully done it by killing 3000 innocent Americans, so sad but everything is fair in love and war and war is a great business, however it was just few thousand innocent lives, but don't worry it was just the collateral damage.
Navaid Kaleem
9/11/2012 07:43:15 pm

Nice research


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