On august 14, 2012 I logged on to the Facebook to check my status. I saw the post of Mr. Asfandyar Wali, leader of Awami National Party (ANP). He posted a picture depicting a sentence “This freedom is fake ”. the description of the picture was describing the true agenda of Awami National Party. Another picture posted on the same day showing a rally held by Baluch Nation Front in which participants holding a banner on which “Pakistan Mudabad” and “14 August Black day” was written.
Interestingly on the next day on 15 August, 2012 I saw another post from the above mention leader of ANP, a picture showing Asfandyar wali and Indian Prime minister Mr. Manmohan Singh. The description is rather interesting, it stated:
"Today we are miles apart but I wanna reach across the miles and Say I’m thinking of you in a very special way.HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to all my Indian friends & specially Indian PM Manmohan Singh & President Pranab Mukergee."
After watching all that stuff, I was worried a lot because Asfandyar wali is a leader of a political party that has the provincial government in KP province and It is in coalition in Federal government. On the other hand organizations like JSQM and JSMM in Sindh are also against the sovereignty of Pakistan but these parties are not the mainstream parties in Pakistani politics.
Anyone would amazed why is it so? The answer is simple and I can express it in only one word “Nationalism”. Nationalism is the poison which is the major cause of war and hatred among the humans all over the world. I am talking about the the Nationalism based on land, ethnicity, language, culture and so on. Most of the people argue with me after listening my views about nationalism that ideology of Pakistan is also based on the nationalism-the two nation theory and you always speaks about Pakistani nationalism, yes it is right, partially. Pakistan’s ideology is based on the two nation theory, but the separation of these two nations are not based on ethnicity, language, land but on the religion.

The key point of difference between the two nations is their religion, namely Islam and Hinduism. Pakistan came into being purely on the basis of Islam. Pakistan should be an Islamic welfare state. Creation of Pakistan was not for Sindis, Punjabis, Baluch and Pathans, but for Muslims only to secure their identity, dignity and pride. I always in favour of Pakistani nationalism because it is the only country in the world based on the religion, not on ethnicity.

When Nationalism became first place in your ideology, religion automatically goes at the second place. And that is the birth of secularism. Almost two years earlier, I watched a program on Geo tv, that was an interview of the known leader of Sindh taraqqi pasand party, Dr. Qadir Magsi, he told the anchor person of that program that firstly, I am Sindhi then Muslim . He forgot to mention that he is Pakistani too J. All the nationalist parties of Pakistan have the same agenda to secularize Pakistan. These “Roshan Khayal” liberals and seculars always give the reference of Quaid-e-Azam’s speech of 11 September and try to portray him- our founding father, as a secular.

Now there is an important question I have to raise if Pakistan has to be a secular state then why Muslim’s of Sub-continent demanded the separate homeland? We Muslims could live in the united states of India. Stupidity at its peak.

Mr. Jinnah was a secular minded person? Because he wore English dress and speaks English rather than Urdu and had no beard. Certainly, he is not becasue he clearly mentioned in his various speeches that Hindu and Muslims are two separate nations. Some of quotes from Quaid’s speeches are given below:
“There are two major nations: The Hindus and Muslims. Hundered million of Muslims cannot be catagorized as a minority. We want the division of India into Hindustan and Pakistan because that is the only practical solution. Hindu India and Muslim India must be seperated because the two nations are entirely distinct and different and in some matters antagonistic to each other. Let me tell you some of the differences. We differ in our history, culture, language, architecture, music, laws, jurisprudence, calendar and our entire social fabric and code of life. One India is impossible realization. It will inevitably mean that the Muslims will be transferred from the domination of British to the caste Hindu rule. A position that Muslims will never accept. Muslims desire freedom more than anyone else. Because love for freedom, fraternity and liberty is the lifeblood of their existence. But freedom must means freedom, both, from exploitation and hindu domination. Hundred million Muslims will never agree merely to a change of masters.”
“And we fought for Pakistan because there was danger of denial of these human rights in the sub-continent. We aspired for these great ideas because of centuries of dual domination by the foreign rulers and caste-ridden social system. This domination continued for over two hundred years, until we realized that it would be ultimately mean complete extinction of Mussalmans, individually as human beings and collectively as a nation. After all, the story of Pakistan and it’s struggle and achievements, is the very story of great human ideals, struggling to survive in the face of odds and difficulties. It was merely a government which came into existence. It means the birth of a great State and a great nation one supplementing the other and both existing for each other. You are voicing my sentiments and the sentiments of million of Mussalmans. When you say that Pakistan should be based on pure foundations of social justice and Islamic Socialism; not other isms. Pakistan Zindabad.”
(March 1948, Chittagong, East Pakistan)
“It is extremely difficult to appreciate why our Hindu friends fail to understand the real nature of Islam and Hinduism. They are not religious in the strict sense of the word, but are, in fact, different and distinct social orders; and it is only a dream that the Hindus and Muslims can ever evolve a common nationality. This misconception of one Indian Nation has troubles and will lead India to destruction if we fail to revise our notions in time. The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, literatures. They neither intermarry nor interdine together and, indeed, they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their aspect on life are different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Mussalmans derive their inspiration from different sources of history. They have different epics, different heroes, and different episodes. Very often the hero of one is a foe of the other and, likewise, their victories and defeats overlap. To yoke together two such nations under a single state, one as a numerical minority and the other as a majority, must lead to growing discontent and final destruction of any fabric that may be so built for the government of such a state.”
(Presidential Address by the Quaid-i-Azam, Lahore March 22-23, 1940)
I don’t have a beard and I also wear western clothes but I am not a secular minded person. I love Islam and Muslims. It is simply the lack of understanding that Mr. Jinnah was secular.

Muslim of India were the rulers of this region for over thousand years. We had a dignity which would suffer heavily in the united India. Today Muslim of Bharat are suffering badly. They treated like Hindu Dalits. There is no prominent representation of Muslims in all the Major political parties of India, although it is claimed that India is a secular state.

Two nation theory is not the theory proposed by the Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, but it was declared by the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) himself fourteen hundred years back. In the state of Madina, people from all the arab tribes had the common identity that they were Muslims and after such a long period of time, the history repeated itself and Pakistan came into being on the same principle. That is why I called Pakistan “The Madina-e- Saani”. Islam is the phenomenon that makes the human unite and nationalism is the lethal poison that kills the unity amongst the humans and divide them to small ethnic groups with no respect for others because their national interest is the main objective of their foreign policy at any cost, no matter hundred and thousand of humans die. We can see this with our own eyes in different parts of the world. World war I and II were not fought for the religious conflicts but everyone knows the conflicts were based on ethnic nationalism.

India’s main objective is to disintegrate Pakistan into smaller nationalist states like Baluchistan, Sindhu desh, Azad Khyber Pukhtunkhua. Not only India wants this but has the complete support by Israel and United States of America. People said it is conspiracy theory. It is not a ground reality but these people always speaks what their masters (Donors ) want. I am talking about the so called NGOs funded by the America and Europe and also India. I am talking about those journalist who sold their souls for dollars. I am talking about those politicians who want to disintegrate Pakistan and raise their hands for friendship to our enemies.

Today, Pakistan has once again become the target of Indian machinations and is being subjected to propaganda and intrigues, as New Delhi is exploiting the current political instability, economic meltdown and ethnic/social division among different segments of the Pakistani society. Thus, it is polluting the minds of Pakistani youth by claiming that their country’s salvation lies in reuniting with India and that the Two-Nation Theory became defunct after 1947. Pseudo attempts. like Aman ki Asha. are a case in point for discrediting it, which must be counteracted with logic.

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