Americans had a great role in the establishment of the State of Israel. From that day till now Israel is always supported by US economically and politically. After the Gulf war fought between the allied forces and Iraq, General Schwartzkopf, commander of the coalition forces said, "We fought this war for the protection of Israel". The most important question is that why the Americans and Britishers are in favour of Jews? Lets explore the answer of this most important and frequently asked question.
President Bush hugs Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert during a welcoming ceremony upon his arrival near Tel Aviv, Israel.
In the past, Jews were always killed and humiliated by Christians in Palestine and all over the Europe.
The social and political situation of the Jews changed markedly in the 4th century, after Roman emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. After his conversion, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire and Jews were considered subversive for their refusal to acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah. Many leaders of church and empire believed that Jews should not be allowed to remain in the Roman Empire if they continued to practice their religion.

Christian theologian Saint Augustine, like other Christians, believed that the Jews fully deserved to be degraded and humiliated. In this way Jews might be punished for their refusal to acknowledge.

Under the command of Tariq bin ziyad, Spain was conquered. This is the dawn of a new era in Europe. That was the dark age of the Europe but after Muslims conquered the Spain, they bring their knowledge and wisdom with them and spread it through different universities. Students came from France, Germany, Italy and other European countries. That was the golden era of Jews under Muslim rule in Spain.

In the dark ages in Europe, in fact church was ruling and science and philosophy and free thinking was forbidden. That was the major cause of rebellious ideas against the religion and the Pope. And then the new sect was found in Christianity called Protestants. The formulation of Protestants' beliefs began with the Reformation in the 16th century. The Roman Catholic Church is always against Jews that is why they Jews were always faced the hard time in the Europe but under the Islamic rule the Jews got flourished and got their basic rights and they were protected by Islamic government. Protestants were against Roman Catholic Church, which benefited the Jews to strengthen their root in the soil of England and America. In this situation the Jews of Europe promoted the idea of secularism in which the state and religion are two separate entities. That was in the favour of Jews to attain the equal citizenship and rights in Europe and to capture the economy by promoting the Usury and Interest based banking system which is forbidden in Christianity.

There are two main countries in the world called them Protestants are United States of America and United Kingdom. The first protestant country of the world was England. England established its own Church called Church of England or Anglican Church (a group of Christian churches including the Churches of England and Ireland, as well as the Protestant Episcopal Church). Jews started banking system in England which was an interest based system and established the first bank named The Bank of England, which was prohibited under the pope. Gradually, Jews started controlling the financial system of the protestant England and created a great influence on the western world and also in America. America was a colony of British Empire and became a protestant estate after attaining independence from the British monarchy.

After the fall of the Islamic Ottoman Empire, Jerusalem came under the British administration. Christians were against Muslims because of they had defeated in the last Crusade and since then the Holy land was under Muslim control, that is why they permitted the Jews to migrate to the Palestine and settle their to make the Muslims a minority. This situation was again in the favour of Jews. The other non-protestants countries of Europe were also in favour of a Jewish state in Middle East because of the hatred in European Christians against Muslims. According to Encarta Encyclopedia:

During World War I, the British wooed the Zionists in order to secure strategic control over Palestine and to gain the support of world Jewry for the Allied cause. The declaration, contained in a letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur J. Balfour to a British Zionist leader, approved the establishment in Palestine of a “national home for the Jewish people.” As Palestine had passed from Turkish to British control, this provided the Zionists with the charter they had been seeking.

Jews also used the incident of Holocaust to gain attention and sympathy of European and American Christians. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton once said:

"We stand with Israel because Israel demonstrates that democracy can flourish in the most difficult conditions because it's very existence is a stinging rebuke to hatred and the Holocaust; because in defending against and defeating terror, Israel's cause is our cause."

President Obama with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
Now, Jews control the banking system and almost own all the major banks and financial institution in America and Europe. The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of 9 Jewish-owned & associated banks with the Rothschilds of London at the head holding 57% of stock which is not available for public trading.

The Rothschild family (known as The House of Rothschild, or more simply as the Rothschilds) is a European family of German Jewish origin (Ashkenazi Jews) that established European banking and finance houses from the late eighteenth century. In 1917 Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild was the addressee of the Balfour Declaration to the Zionist Federation, which committed the British government to the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. After the death of James Jacob de Rothschild in 1868, Alphonse Rothschild, his oldest son, who took over the management of the family bank, was the most active in support for Eretz Israel.

There is an organization working for the Zionist agenda named AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). This organization has a great influence over the American politics and politicians from both the parties whether they are Democrats or Republicans. AIPAC's aims is written on its website as:

AIPAC’s staff and citizen activists educate decision makers about the bonds that unite the United States and Israel and how it is in America’s best interest to help ensure that the Jewish state is safe, strong and secure.

AIPAC is an strong lobby working in America against Muslim world. They affect every major decision making institution of America almost like a shadow government. Now, their focus is to lobbying against Iran.

Religious aspect

There is a religious aspect too. Now a days, Protestant Christians have a strong belief in the importance of rebuilding the third temple. Their beliefs about the rebuilding of temple and promised land are identical to the Jews and these prophecies have not fulfill yet. They also believed that after the second coming of Jesus Christ, he will rule the world from the Jerusalem for the thousand years and the third temple will be his headquarter. President Obama at AIPAC said:

"That the bond between Israel and the United States is rooted in more than our shared national interest; it's rooted in the shared values and shared stories of our people."

President Obama praying at Western wall, Jerusalem
The Freemasons are also fantasize by the Temple of Solomon. Their beliefs and rituals are solely based on the Temple of Solomon and Jewish mysticism known as Kabbalah. Freemasonry is a fraternal order and a society with secrets because their views and beliefs never published officially. Freemasons also want to build the Third Temple and they have the great influence in Britain and America. The first president of US, George Washington and majority of the signers of the Deceleration of Independence were masons. The order has millions of members all over the world including showbiz celebrities and politicians.

The Church of England which was founded in England by protestants and they were against the pope. Roman Catholic church always opposed the freemasonry but many bishops of church of England were Freemason and members of church were also practiced masonry with the Christianity. It is the proof of Freemasons influence on the church as well.

It is now clear that Americans and Jews specially Zionists have the shared political interests in the world based on their common religious beliefs. Zionists have attained the great influence in Europe and America by overtaken the economy by Banking system and politics by lobbying platforms like AIPAC and override the fundamental Christian beliefs through Freemasonry.

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